Saturday 5 April 2014

Isla's First Date

I went to a chili cook-off. I got chili and met someone I really recognize from PBS Kids [sic - VBS]. And we played ghosts. And I'll tell you how to play it. You choose someone in the light to be the ghost and then you run away screaming in the dark. If it catches you, you're the ghost. I goed with Brayden my best friend. He got something - a spade and bucket.I weared my big sister Fiona's best dress and some beautiful things.

Powerpuff Girls Z

Last night there were a terrible Mojo Jojo and the Powerpuff Girl Z came to help. So one time they helped of it everyday 'cause they were so helpful they always got good job. And him, the baddest one ever, he made something bad. He always makes something bad happen because Blossom has a yoyo and Bubbles has a birthday bubbles and Buttercup has a smasher. Then Mojo Jojo made fart shoes to scare them away but they didn't get scared because they were really unnoisy. And then that z rays got all three of them.